Heiner Top Favorites:
-Brady: 36 yrs, 6’3”
1. Food: Homemade Fettuccini
2. TV Show: Office
3. Past Time: Golfing
4. Game: Uno Spin
5. Sport: Basketball
6. Junk Food: Recess PB cup
7. Place to visit: Disneyland
8. Success: my Family
-Sarah: 32 years, 5’4”
1. Food: Filet Mignon
2. TV Show: Dancing w/ the Stars
3. Past Time: Family Research
4. Game: Uno Attack
5. Sport: Dancing
6. Junk Food: Symphony Bar
7. Place to visit: Hawaii
8. Success: my Family
-Taylor: 12 yrs, 5’8”, 7th Grade:
1. Food: Dark Chicken
2. TV Show: I am Alive
3. Past Time: Play with friends
4. Game: Rack-o
5. Sport: Basketball
6. Junk Food: Brownies
7. Place to visit: Hawaii
8. Success: Being on the Honor Roll
-Madison: 10 yrs, 4’11”, 5th Grade
1. Food: Spaghetti
2. TV Show: Animal planet
3. Past Time: Read or play
4. Game: Uno Spin
5. Sport: Gymnastics
6. Junk Food: Chips
7. Place to visit: Hawaii
8. Success: Going to Nationals
for Gymnastics
-Anamarie: 4 yrs, 3’6”, Preschool
1. Food: Homemade Pizza
2. TV Show: Dora the Explorer
3. Past Time: Playing with her toys
4. Game: Hullaballoo
5. Sport: Gymnastics
6. Junk Food: Ice Cream
7. Place to visit: Disneyland
8. Success: learning the ABC’s
-Brett: 1 yr, 2’6”
1. Food: scrambled eggs
2. TV Show: none yet
3. Past Time: Making Messes
4. Game: Playing Catch
5. Sport: Basketball
6. Junk Food: Chocolate
7. Place to visit: Wal-Mart
8. Success: Walking at 9 mo.