Wow! Anamarie was full of funny phrases today. She and her friend Jacob Garces were playing barbies outside on the play set when I brought some lunch to them and said if they ate all their lunch, they would get an ice cream cone. After about 10 minutes Anamarie comes running in the house with half of her untouched sandwich, quickly puts it on the counter and runs in to the bathroom. She closes the bathroom door, but I was in the kitchen so I could hear her when she said "did you hear that", I said "no" she then says "oh that was my stomach because it's starving for ice cream!" She comes up with a new strategy every day to get that ice cream.
Later on this evening, Maddy and I were watching HGTV in my bedroom when Anamarie makes her presents known by saying, "I need a fousand dollars" then goes over to my dresser drawer to my coin stash and grabs a hand full of coins. I then asked her "why do you need a fousand dollars?" She tells me "Oh it's for my piddy bank" I wish I had a piddy bank with a founsand dollars in it. ;)
About 5 minutes later she comes back to my bedroom and I ask her "Anamarie, what have you been doing?" She replies, "I've been farting" I completely lost it. I laughed so hard I thought I would go into labor. The funny part is how serious she is when she makes these statements. Funny Girl! She keeps me laughing all day!