Thursday, August 05, 2010Sarah Burnes HeinerNo comments
I must have been crazy when I thought I could go to Lagoon with 5 kids and 1 parent. Fortunately, it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I was even nice enough to let Taylor & Madison go and do their own rides together while I kept the 3 younger ones. Anamarie was having a blast!! Brett, not so much. He went on 1 ride with Anamarie, and a train ride with mommy and Maddy; which he didn't like either. Brady came up after work and stayed with Taylor & Madison, and I took the younger ones home. The new bob stroller made this day a little easier too.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010Sarah Burnes HeinerNo comments
William is 7 weeks old today, and he actually giggled at me. It was the cutest thing, and it was totally unexpected. After a long smile he decided to make my day and throw in a laugh too. All of our other kids giggled around 3 months old, which makes him ahead of the rest by a long shot.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010Sarah Burnes HeinerNo comments
Last night Anamarie was trying to convince me that she needed to sleep in my room because there are "monsters" in her room under her bed. I informed her that there weren't any monsters and that Heavenly Father would protect her, and make her not scared. She informed me "no, Heavenly Father isn't a real person, he's a pray man".