Brett saw Anamarie's Hawaiian necklace; and had to have it. As he reached up to grab it, Anamarie pulled it away, getting the hook caught on his finger and slicing a very deep gash into his right middle finger. Luckily, this happened in the presence of Brady and I, so we were able to rush him to the Highland Insta Care immediately. Once there, we checked him in, and within a few minutes we saw a nurse. She did confirm that Brett needed stitches, so she put numbing ointment on his gash, and we waited 15 minutes before we could see the Doctor. While waiting, Brett found a great toy to play with; a train set. He loved it, and it passed the time while waiting. After going back to the Doctor, he injected his gash with more numbing solution, draped his hand and carefully began sewing his little finger. It only took him about 15 minutes from start to finish. Brett was so brave that he only cried during the injection, and he watched with great intrigue the rest of the time, while his little finger was being sewn. Poor widdle guy!

~Brett's 4 Stitches Video~