This morning, Anamarie could not contain herself, she just had find out if there was a trapped leprechaun. She ran downstairs and noticed the gold was missing, and hoping it had fallen inside with the green guy. However, as she got a little closer she saw something inside the box...a letter. She didn't cry, she didn't laugh, she was incredibly "ticked off" to say the least. The letter was very nice though. He told her that it was the best trap he's ever seen. He even gave her a clue as to how she could catch him next year; with a four leaf clover.
Here's Anamarie with her "ticked off" look immediately after discovering her leprechaun got away...
...with the gold too.
...with the gold too.
Here she is saying "don't take a picture of me MOM! Geez"
The letter from the Leprechaun.
At least, Mr. Rumple said "thank you" :)
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