Maddy was surprised when a 6th grade teacher announced her name as one of the winners of the Science Fair. The inspiration came from a silly YouTube video called "double rainbow". Basically, it's a guy totally excited about seeing a double rainbow that he even starts to cry with joy. With over 24 million hits this is one of the most watched "clean" videos, so it was turned into a song as well. One night as we were singing the double rainbow song, the idea came to us, and Madison took the idea and ran with it. She had a brilliant idea that was so unique that her teacher said in all her years of teaching, she had never seen or heard this idea. Maddy designed her project around a simple question "how does shinning different colors of light through a prism affect the colors of the rainbow?" We have a spotlight with 4 different color lenses. She discovered that by placing a red lens over the spotlight the output is only red. A yellow lens showed all the colors except purple, green showed only three colors: yellow, green & blue. The blue lens show all the colors with blue making up the largest amount of color. White light obviously showed a perfect amount of all the colors of the rainbow. With her originality and great presentation, this was a slam dunk for her. We are going to AMP up her presentation a little for District and I am so excited to see how far she goes.