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"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself." -Henry Ford
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Breakfast with Puppy Friends
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
"Nakey Shakey"
"Nakey Shakey" were the exact words that came out of Anamarie's mouth last night. She made me laugh so hard when she said this. What sparked this comedic behavior was her running as fast as she could to the bathroom to go "potty" and having a little accident on the way. After using the bathroom she takes off her dirty clothes and comes out of the mudroom bathroom and says "nakey shakey" as she shakes her little naked body. Normally, I would have been very upset at her, but her creativity invited a different reaction out of me and Brady this time.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Brett's transition between baby & toddler

Brett is now 15 months old, and just like all babies this age; they get into everything!
He especially loves my makeup. He opens my drawer, goes straight for the lipstick, takes the cap off and swipes the lipstick on his head. Luckily the lipstick is tucked inside the bottom half of the tube or else he would have pretty pink hair stripes. He loves his new basketball hoop. He is getting to be quite a great shot, and he even challenges himself by sitting down and backing up a few feet before he shoots. He has discovered the great outdoors this past month, and he escapes any chance he gets. He tries to jump on the trampoline, loves the basketball hoop and swing set, but especially loves the sandbox. His best friend is Anamarie and she is so sweet and patient with him. They play together in the basement play room, but their favorite spot is in my closet. Anamarie will turn off the lights and turn them back on again, which will set Brett into a roar of laughter; so cute. They can do this game for an hour. She loves to carry him around by his under arms and bring him to her location of choice; like her new "hut" that she created that day. Or to her bedroom to throw her blankets and pillows off and jump on her bed like monkeys do.
His vocabulary consists of: Mama, Dada,De-de (Binki) Uh-oh, Boop, and Hi. He signs a few words too, like; more, please and thank you. He loves to dance to music with a good beat. His dancing is basically marching in place while he bobs his head up and down. He loves to find his and anyone Else's belly button and "boop" it. Which means he sticks his finger in it and says "boop".
He is very shy around most people and tucks his head down or turns away when they speak to him. He has finally warmed up to Aunt Chris, Uncle Kolby, both grammy's, Grandpa Kim and Janise. His temperament is very mild and relaxed; which I love. It takes a lot for him to laugh at something, but he does smile all the time.
He wears size 18-24 months in clothes and shoe size is a 4. He weighs 24 pounds and is 31 inches tall. He also has a very small head. In fact, every check up he's had he measures in the bottom 5% for his age group, 75% for his height, and 50% for his weight. He still has his blonde hair, we are not sure how long that will last though.
Brett's diet consists of an array of foods that can change daily. He consistently loves chocolate milk, apple juice, scrambled eggs, dried cranberries, oranges, apples, yogurt, blueberries, steak, chicken, and of course any chocolate or ice cream. He use to love avocados and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and now despises them.
Sleeping Schedule:
His sleeping schedule is also very nice. To bed around 8pm, awake around 8am and takes a nap from 12-2:40pm every day, but has to have his "de-de" (binki) when he sleeps. What a joy this little guy has brought to our family; We love our little "baby Brett-sies"
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Madison's Competition in Florida. Written by: Madison

I had so much fun in Florida. But in order for me to get there I had to earn a few bucks. So my mom came up with a raffle ticket idea (for scrap booking). The fist place winner got a cricket machine and tons of other stuff (1400$ value). 2nd place winner got a cute bag with i think 150 scrap book stickers. 3rd place winner got again a cute bag with i think 100 scrap book stickers [the bag came with allot of other scrap book supplies]. I earned $900 (enough money to pay for my plane ticket and hotel and Disney hopper passes.
Our hotel was so awesome, I felt like I was inside the show "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". The day before our competition we had to practice(outside!) Which really sucked cause it was pouring. So 5 Hours later I came back to my hotel room soaked from head to toe. The day of my competition I had to wake up around 6:00 AM, which was 4:00 Utah time. It was so amazing there. It had a huge stage that had a castle behind it and when it was our turn we got to run through the castle and onto the mats. Our first performance was awesome, but our 2nd, not so good. We were actually supposed to do 2 performances on two different days. Which 1 was on Saturday and one on Sunday. But we don't do competitions on Sunday, so that is why we did them on the same day which really wore us out. Our first performance we did we were 1 point away from the first place winner. Then our second performance we were 8 points away. Luckily we didn't end up getting last, we actually got 6th place. The good part is, that 6th still gets a trophy. That is the last place that gets one. So I'm happy we got a big trophy but next year I'm gonna go back and win. Besides the competitions since me and my dad only went, we had an awesome time in Disney World together! I loved going to Florida, and i think it was a great experience for me.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
7 Months Pregnant!
Today I am 7 months pregnant! I can't believe how fast, yet how slow pregnancy goes by. The last few months are always the hardest for me. My belly gets so large that I have a hard time getting "normal" things accomplished on a daily basis. As for now, I still have a lot of energy and I seem to accomplish more "projects" than I ever have. Yesterday I stained the kids play set, added new playground chips and sand to the play area. I also cleaned up and weeded the yard all in one day. Brady and I finally decided on a name; William Matthew. I am so excited to finally have my William. I have always known that was the name for my baby boy and Brett was going to be William Brett, but Brady really didn't like William as a first name until now; I guess persistency pays off!
St. Patrick's Day
Monday, March 15, 2010
Crazy Bed Head!
Monday, March 08, 2010
Madison's 11th B-day!

What a great day for Madison! She woke up to her favorite breakfast in bed: sausage, eggs, donunts, yogurt, chocolate milk & a banana. She also received her first 2 presents that morning which were; shorts and a shirt. She was very surprised when I showed up at her school with 3 dozen glazed donuts for her class. I also had bought her and Kaysha subway sandwiches and we stayed in the classroom and ate together with her teacher. We also had a big night planned for Madison. We went to JCW's as a family and headed over to the Thanksgiving Point Theaters to see Alice in Wonderland in 3D. It was a great movie and Brett and Anamarie were perfect little angels the entire movie. Besides our family other came along too. Kolby, Grammy Linda, and Grammy Eldean joined us at the movie. It was more than she expected!