I had so much fun in Florida. But in order for me to get there I had to earn a few bucks. So my mom came up with a raffle ticket idea (for scrap booking). The fist place winner got a cricket machine and tons of other stuff (1400$ value). 2nd place winner got a cute bag with i think 150 scrap book stickers. 3rd place winner got again a cute bag with i think 100 scrap book stickers [the bag came with allot of other scrap book supplies]. I earned $900 (enough money to pay for my plane ticket and hotel and Disney hopper passes.
Our hotel was so awesome, I felt like I was inside the show "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". The day before our competition we had to practice(outside!) Which really sucked cause it was pouring. So 5 Hours later I came back to my hotel room soaked from head to toe. The day of my competition I had to wake up around 6:00 AM, which was 4:00 Utah time. It was so amazing there. It had a huge stage that had a castle behind it and when it was our turn we got to run through the castle and onto the mats. Our first performance was awesome, but our 2nd, not so good. We were actually supposed to do 2 performances on two different days. Which 1 was on Saturday and one on Sunday. But we don't do competitions on Sunday, so that is why we did them on the same day which really wore us out. Our first performance we did we were 1 point away from the first place winner. Then our second performance we were 8 points away. Luckily we didn't end up getting last, we actually got 6th place. The good part is, that 6th still gets a trophy. That is the last place that gets one. So I'm happy we got a big trophy but next year I'm gonna go back and win. Besides the competitions since me and my dad only went, we had an awesome time in Disney World together! I loved going to Florida, and i think it was a great experience for me.
I agree Maddy it was a blast. You did such a great job and I was so proud of you for working hard to earn your way there. You are an amazing young lady with potential to become whatever you choose. I will say besides the competition my favorite part was riding the Tower of Terror with you. I am not sure who screamed louder. Probably me!!! I am so glad that I was able to spend that week with you. it is something that I know we will both cherish forever. It is all about making memories that will last more than a lifetime. I love you Maddy
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