Anamarie was so excited this morning because she was finally 6!! Last night her and I cleaned her bedroom because the birthday fairy called me and said it needed to be clean so she wouldn't trip over anything when she came to bring her a surprise. So with a spotless bedroom, Anamarie was so excited about the birthday fairy coming that she didn't fall asleep until after midnight. She awoke to a bedroom full of balloons and a massive birthday banner. She ate Mr. Breakfast Buddy (egg sandwich, banana and bacon)...
...Good Morning Birthday Girl!
She went shopping with me to pick out her cake and twisted candles.
For dinner we had McDonald's and salad.
Everyone singing the birthday song.
She was so upset that her little brother Brett blew out her candles before she could. So we re-lit them tried again...

This time ending in a successful candle blow-out for Anamarie.
The strangest thing happened tonight! The doorbell rang and Anamarie raced to see who was there. As she looked through the window she saw no one, so she opened the door and saw a wrapped present with Anamarie's name on it...
...The present was from Santa and this is what the letter said...
"Happy 6th Birthday Anamarie!! I wanted to give you this last gift. I flew it all the way from the North Pole so that you could have it on your Birthday. I hope you love this one of a kind Genuine gift. Remember, it comes to life when you sleep. I hope you have fun with this Special present. I have been watching you and you have been a great girl. I am so excited to bring you lots of presents on December 25th. Only 12 more days. Keep being a good girl.
Love, Santa
After reading the storybook of the "Elf on the Shelf" Anamarie was the lucky one to choose his name "Dovee"