We had a really great family Easter dinner with the Heiner's, Whimpey's, & Burnes'. We had the Easter Egg hunt first for the kids because it was sooo cold outside. Along with our eggs, Eldean brought eggs and filled them with candy and money, so the my older kids were a little sad when they "opted out" of the Easter egg hunt this year.
Kylee & Preston made quite a bit of money. I told Maddy that any money in Brett's eggs, she could have, which was about $5. Thanks to Kim for taking some great pictures of everyone. After the play time was over, we had a very delicious dinner, and headed down to the theater room to watch a Religious Easter presentation that Eldean created. Then we watched home videos and looked at old pictures of Kolby's Mission and pictures, and others too. It was great company, and a great night together.

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