Welcome to the Heiner Highlights Website

"If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself." -Henry Ford

A Family of 7...

...can only mean 1 thing....

One CRAZY Photo shoot!

Yelling, Crying, Kissing. Yep, that's my life!

Some Days are REALLY HARD...

...and seem unbearable.

But families are FOREVER

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Taylor's growing UP!!

At 13 years old, Taylor stands 5'10" tall, and weighs 120 pounds. He wears a size 10.5 in men's shoes, 28 waist 32 long in men's pants, and size adult medium in shirts. He's 6 inches taller than me, and it's really trippin' me out!! He's a great kid, and we are so proud of him.

He is currently in 8th grade at American Fork Junior High School. He has been working very hard in school to get straight A's and because of this, he has been invited to attend the Discover DC Program this summer. He is very excited to go, and we are saving up for him to attend this week long educational program.

Taylor is on track to get his Eagle Scout when he turns 14. He has an incredible Boy Scout Master who keeps his boys motivated. He is currently a Star and has completed all his Star and Life requirements but has to wait 10 months before he can get his Eagle. We are soo proud of him!!

Taylor's 8th Grade Pictures

Taylor was very excited about his school pictures this year. In the past, he thought he was too cheesy, or he didn't like his smile; but this was a different story :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Brady & Taylor hike Mt. Timpanogos w/ Troop 1174

Brady and Taylor had a great experience hiking Mt Timpanogos this summer with the Scouts.  They made the hike in less than 24 hours carrying a 30 to 40 pound back pack up to the top of the mountain.  It was an amazing adventure and one that will always be a highlight of thier lives. Taylor and Dad were able to watch the sun come up sitting 11,749 feet above sea level on the top of the mountain.  What a beautiful site it was and helps them to appreciate the beauty that god has blessed us all with.

Mount Timpanogos is the second highest mountain in Utah's Wasatch Range. Timpanogos rises to an elevation of 11,749 feet (3,582 m) above sea level in the Uinta National Forest (now part of the Wasatch-Cache National Forest). With 5,269 feet of topographic prominence, Timpanogos is the 47th-most prominent mountain in the contiguous United States. A 14 mile round trip hike.

The mountain towers over Utah Valley, including the cities of Lehi, Provo, Orem, Pleasant Grove, American Fork, Lindon and others. The exposed portion of the mountain is made up entirely of limestone and dolomite from the Pennsylvanian period, and is about 300 million years old. Heavy winter snowfall is characteristic of this portion of the Wasatch Range, and avalanche activity is common in winter and spring.

The word Timpanogos comes from the Timpanogots Ute tribe who lived in the surrounding valleys from A.D. 1400. The name translates as rock (tumpi-), and water mouth or canyon (panogos).

Watch the Mt. Timpanogos hike video here: (to watch, you must go to heiner highlights. Click on link below)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

BIG Backyard Balloon!!

I woke up one Saturday to a very loud sound coming from outside. As I looked out my bedroom window I noticed a very large hot air balloon very low to the ground. So I woke all the kids and we followed the ballon until it landed just one block away from our house. Very Cool!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Little Punk Rockers

Maddy found an aerosole can of colored hair spray, and curiosity got the best of her. She sprayed her hair and presented herself to the family. Anamarie took one look at Maddy's carrott top and was in love, so she made Maddy do hers. Brett was unwilling; but played along to.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Taylor's first diaper change

It was going to happen sooner than later. I had Taylor change William's dirty diaper and he did a great job too. I was very impressed. He even put the diaper on the correct way :)

Here we go AGAIN!!

I don't know how this could happen again; but it did. The first episode of this must have made a huge impression on Brett because he knew exactly what he was doing and he was having a blast!! He found the flour in our kitchen pantry and within only minutes he had decorated our entire kitchen with a beautiful white powder. Crazy boy!

No Training Wheels for Anamarie

Last Sunday Anamarie asked me if I could teach her how to ride a "2 wheeler". This was one of many requests from her, so this time I decided it was time. I took off her training wheels and dressed her in jeans, tennis shoes and a helmet; and she couldn't wait any longer. We went to the side street just north of our road and let her practice there because of the low traffic. I balanced her bike by holding the back of her seat, and to our surprise, she was riding her bike within a few minutes. She was so excited that she wanted to keep riding the entire night; but I only lasted for an hour. She was AMAZING!!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Partners in Crime

These 2 little cuties are always so happy together, even if they are constantly getting into trouble together. Here is just a few of their tricks in the last 2 months.
  • Playing dress up
  • Arrow of Light sword fight
  • Writing on the walls with permanent markers 
  • Destroying the basement with a 50 pound bag of flour
  • Squirting shampoo all over the hardwood floors
  • playing slip in slide on gymnastics mats with dish soup
  • having a mud fight
  • having a water fight with lots of bottled water
  • going door to door asking neighbors for pop sickles 
  • Sneaking out of nap time
  • Cutting hair
  • Brett's everyday event of the "lost hamster"
Yes, they were even under good watch when all these episodes occurred ;0

Snuggly Buddies

Anamarie wanted me to take pictures of her, Brett & William snuggling in Brett's bed. I must say the outcome of her staged pictures were adorable!!